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Farm Sinningmetzger | phone: +43 664 1552 053 | mail:

Save your holiday!

More sports activities

A paradise on your doorstep!

You can look forward to even more activities on your winter holiday in Leogang at our Sinningmetzger farm and set out from the front door into this paradise of sporting opportunities.

Those who want to enjoy other activities in this white splendour besides skiing in the ski area, have plenty of other great options to choose from: winter hiking and snowshoeing, playing with ice stocks, ski touring and cross-country skiing on a 150 km-long network of cross-country skiing trails. Several natural toboggan runs, which are illuminated in the evening, invite you to some thrilling slides, and why not take a romantic horse-drawn carriage ride for a particularly atmospheric and magical end to a winter day in Leogang.

Leogang Skifahren
Eislaufen Saalfelden Leogang
Skifahren Leogang
Rodeln Saalfelden
Saalfelden Skiurlaubl
Leogang Winterurlaub
Leogang Skiurlaub
Schneeschuhwandern Leogang
Skicircus Saalbach Leogang
Skitouren Leogang Saalfelden
Skiurlaub Leogang
Winterurlaub Saalfelden Leogang

Forget the stresses and strains of everyday life – enjoy the mountain experience!

Farm holidays in Leogang

Whether on a summer or winter holiday, the popular Leogang-Saalfelden holiday region, a scenic area at the foot of the Leoganger Steinberge mountains, will captivate you in any season, and will enchant lovers of nature and active, sporty types alike. Our guests will also enjoy numerous benefits of the free Löwen Alpin Card.


Farm Sinningmetzger
Claudia Gruber
Sinning 66
5771 Leogang
phone: 0664 1552 053
mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Farm Holiday in Leogang

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